Remembering James van Sweden

Pamela Heyne, architect and owner of Heyne Design, recently reminisced about OvS Founding Principal James van Sweden in the Chestertown Spy.

The piece includes memories such as her work with Jim on note-worthy OvS commissions such as the Littlefield and Nef Residences (famous for the two-story Chagall mosaic in the backyard), and the time she worked with Jim to remodel his own home in Georgetown. Their collaboration resulted in a friendship that Pam still cherishes today.

Pamela says, “For me he is ever reaching forward, planting a delicate shoot…and laughing.”

OvS remembers Founding Principal Jim van Sweden, who died four years ago this week, on September 20, 2013.


JvS at folly © Jean-Pierre

JvS at folly © Jean-Pierre